Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Wow I have been a total slacker! We have been so busy the past few months. Here is just a quick recap of whats been going on in our busy lives.

No more oxygen!!
Aiden and Addi turned 1 year old!!
Aiden had H1N1 in July-In hospital for 7 days
Addi got her gtube out in september
Brady went to Texas for 3 weeks! No fun!
Aiden was the 1st case of bronchitis at Primary's in october-we are big over acheivers!
Aiden had eye surgery in November
Aiden got his gtube out right before new years!
We bought a HOUSE!!!!
Brady just left to Virgina for 3 months!! He wont be home until April- SUCK!!

Well thats just a really quick review. Here are some of the babies 1 year old pics. I will try to update more frequently. More pics to come!!!!


  1. Wow, I am complaining about one surgery. I'm happy they are healthy and SO cute. Who took their 1 year pictures. I love them. I am getting into photography and love ideas. :D

  2. i have NO IDEA how I came across your blog but I am So glad I did! Your babies are BEAUTIFUL!!!I love their one year pictures!!!!! Tayte has hearing aides and HATES them with a passion. After a year and a half of trying to force him to wear them I gave up. It is one of my goals this year- figure out how bad he really needs them if he does--questionable---and if so, get him to wear them! We have a blog but it is private so if you want an invite email me slbanks00@gmail.com (this is Jenny's friend Samantha, with the twins, just in case you forgot!)
